On the Podcast I spoke about sharing an assessment which gives insight into possible Soul Lessons ...

and all was coming together when I got a call to revisit a sacred space in Cambodia 

which ignited my Journey of Remembering and Reconnection last year.

I will be in Asia until the beginning of March,

so if our podcast airs before you see the Soul Lesson Assessment here, please check back again to find out more.

In the meantime, here is a link to a channelled Momentum Magnet titled, "I Am Enough"

which will give you a taste of my work

Please click to watch

I want to share the essence of a temple complex in Cambodia constructed in the 10th century 

honouring the connection between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.

This is the birthplace of my Golden Lotus Activations -- more on those when I'm back!

© 2024   David T. Gross  –  Soul Family Channel
